Team Blackmatch

Marker Details
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This is a more detailed list of the markers and mods.

Andrew's setup:
MacDev Sonic Cyborg 
NOX board (bunches of settings including PSP, NXL, adjustable ramping, etc.)
WGP unimount 
Pure Energy 68/3000 tank
Topped with an Empire Reloader B with a Critical Delrin drive cone and spring housing.
Devin's setup:
Element Ion
Prototype Element body and claw rail
Clippard QEV
Tech T Lightening Bolt
brushed alumanum body and frame
Evil Detonator HPR
Stiffi .689 14" barrel
WGP unimount
uses a Crossfire 72/4500 tank
topped with a Halo B
Jasmine's setup:
Tribal BBT 2.0
Edwin's lpc
Edwin's ACE kit
Fury Chip
Dye Xcel .687 14" barrel
Warped Triger Job
Crossfire 47/3000
Topped with a VL Evo 2

Jasmine's backup-
Tippmann Model 98 Custom
Tippmann R/T kit
WGP drop-foreward with on/off
uses a 20oz CO2 tank
topped with a VL Xboard Revvy

Andrew's E-mail

Devin's E-Mail

If you have any Questions and/or comments, please leave your name, email address and your comment(s) in the box below. thanks!

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